XV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric physics"

June 22-29, 2008, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Author's Index

Author: Naumenko O.V. (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia)

List of reports:

  1. B.A. Voronin, A.D. Bykov, O.V. Naumenko, S.N. Yurchenko, R.N. Tolchenov, J. Tennyson
    VTT - Lilnelist for HD16O up to 25500 cm-1
  2. J. Tennyson, P.F. Bernath, L.R. Brown, A. Campargue, M.R. Carleer, A.G. Csaszar, R.R. Gamache, J.T. Hodges, A. Jenouvrier, O.V. Naumenko, O.L. Polyansky, L.S. Rothman, R.A. Toth, A.C. Vandaele, N.F. Zobov, S.V. Shirin, L. Daumont, A.Z. Fazliev, S.N. Mikhailenko, B.A. Voronin, T. Furtenbacher
    IUPAC Critical Evaluation of the Rotational - Vibrational Spectra of Water Vapor. Energy Levels and Transition Wavenumbers for H217O, H218O, and HD16O
  3. O.V. Naumenko, O.M. Leshchishina, S. Béguier, A.C ampargue
    High resolution absorption spectrum of D216O between 12840-13400 cm-1
